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I know this is a fairly new product, so I feel obliged to let other UTI-sufferers know that it WORKS.
At least, it did for me.
I went through three different antibiotics and wasted countless doctor appointments trying to combat the source of my UTI. The antibiotics would create problems with my renal system and merely ensure another UTI was soon to follow.
The ONLY thing that stopped the cycle was Cystex Liquid Cranberry.
The recommended dose when you're experiencing symptoms is 2 tablespoons daily - one in the morning, and one in the evening. Doing this for a mere two days ended my UTI cycle.
Now, I keep a bottle on hand and take a single dose whenever I even suspect that fresh symptoms are coming on. I have not experienced a UTI since. And because the ingredients are natural, it's no big deal if I take it on an overly paranoid hunch.
I have also gotten into the habit of taking a dose after intercourse, just to flush out my urinary tract. It's been my miracle brew.
If you feel the onset of a UTI and are looking for a first line of action other than antibiotics, this may be your answer. It was for me.

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