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(More customer reviews)the book is written in the vain of comparative religion and philosophy as perceived in the mid 1800's and was intended to enlighten members of the scottish rite freemasonry as to what the degrees they went through should bring to mind..each chapter was to represent a degree..each degree was about a year of time of learning and study on the members part..many members never made it to the highest ranks but only to the 14th..it is definitely a hard read but well worth the time, effort and money involved in the pursuit of knowledge, both current and archaic..remember that latin and hebrew were subject that were taught in the 1800's in the schools and is used throughout the book.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry/Pamphlets
The teachings of these Readings are not sacramental, sofar as they go beyond the realm of Morality into those of otherdomains of Thought and Truth. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Riteuses the word Dogma in its true sense, of doctrine, or teaching; andis not dogmatic in the odious sense of that term. Everyone is entirelyfree to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him tobe untrue or unsound. It is only required of him that he shall weighwhat is taught, and give it fair hearing and unprejudiced judgment. Ofcourse, the ancient theosophic and philosophic speculations are notembodied as part of the doctrines of the Rite; but because it is ofinterest and profit to know what the Ancient Intellect thought uponthese subjects, and because nothing so conclusively proves the radicaldifference between our human and the animal nature, as the capacity ofthe human mind to entertain such speculations in regard to itself andthe Deity.Contents: Apprentice; Fellow-craft; Master; Secret Master;Perfect Master; Intimate Secretary; Provost and Judge; Intendant ofthe Building; Elu of the Nine; Elu of the Fifteen; Elu of the Twelve;Master Architect; Royal Arch of Solomon; Perfect Elu; Knight of theEast; Prince of Jerusalem; Knight of the East and West; Knight RoseCroix; pontiff; Master of the Symbolic Lodge; Noachite or PrussianKnight; Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Liabanus; Chief of theTabernacle; Prince of the Tabernacle; Knight of the Brazen Serpent;Prince of Mercy; Knight Commander of the Temple; Knight of the Sun orPrince Adept; Scottish Knight of St. Andrew; Knight Kadosh; InspectorInquisitor; Master of the Royal Secret. If you read only one book onFreemasonry, this is it!
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