
Digestive Advantage Intensive Bowel Support, 96 Counts Capsules Review

Digestive Advantage Intensive Bowel Support, 96 Counts Capsules
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I've had the gamut of gas, bloating, irregular bowel habits & have been to a digestive specialist for several years with no help at all. He ordered a medication that made me sick as could be...so I stopped that. On top of IBS, I have recurring kidney stones & between the two problems, I had times of such pain I would be bent almost double. When I went places, I had to take a handful of the strong Mylanta Gas tablets just in case...used them often to feel some better.
Then 2 months ago, a friend told me of this product & how it had helped her. I got some & WOW...what a difference in my life now!! One tiny pill each morning before breakfast & I'm off to a productive day with NO discomfort!! I can hardly believe this medication can make this difference. I continue to watch what I eat which I think is an essential part of handling IBS. Most of us who have this problem have sensitive stomachs & should avoid trigger foods (onions in any form are usually one of the culprits, for instance). As an R.N. I know that food allergies can also be triggers so I would hope any IBS sufferers would avoid any foods they might suspect...it's not worth it! These caplets work so completely for me in that I can now eat without any discomfort. It's a whole new life for me now & believe me, I'm keeping a supply of this medication on hand, always!

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