
Alternative Careers in Science: Leaving the Ivory Tower Review

Alternative Careers in Science: Leaving the Ivory Tower
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As a recent Biology Ph.D. graduate, I am fortunate to have found this book about 1 year before graduation. I have always enjoyed biology, but my heart was just not in research, poring over the same project and data, day in and day out, 50 hours a week. Biology Ph.D.'s are, unfortunately, trained with tunnel vision in terms of career development. You are lead down a research path, and graduation represents a fork in the road: You can choose a life of academia following your mandatory postdocs, or you can immediately enter industry, following your mandatory postdocs.
For those who don't know, a postdoc is a type of internship following your graduation. You are the personal Igor for the head of the lab (usually a professor at a university or medical school). Hours are typically 6 days a week, 60 hours minimum, and earns about $35,000. You work on at lest 2-3 projects for the lab, and are expected to assist in training the new graduate students as well. In addition, you are expected to find your own grant money.
After the extreme stress of graduate work had been completed, call me crazy, but I decided an increase in stress was not what I wanted. Don't get me wrong; for those who love research, this is heaven, but not for me.
A year prior to graduation, I found this book. In my multiple years of study, no one had ever mentioned a sentence about any of the career options mentioned here, ALL of which were accessible to a Ph.D. student. About two dozen career options are mentioned here, from clinical research, to broadcast journalism, to sales...lots. Every career is discussed in detail from a personal account of someone who actually works in the field. Everything is discussed, from salary, hours, a typical day, to extra training and advancement opportunities.
This book did nothing short of change my career outlook from a pessimistic view of my science career to a wonderful new career in medical writing...earning twice as much as the postdoc I quit after one week. (If this doesn't appeal to you, there are plenty of other choices in this book.)
The book does not discuss EVERY option. The job I have now was not mentioned initially in the book. However, it opened my eyes, and got me started in this path. Spend the cash and buy it. Consider it a cheaper version of going to a great career counselor....or a psychiatrist.

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Alternative Careers in Science describes the various career tracks available to scientists and gives the inside scoop on the skills and personality types suited to each profession. It also contains important information regarding career expectations and salary potential.This book will allow scientists to compare career opportunities. Each chapter covers a different career track and includes the basic job description, qualifications, responsibilities, and what career opportunities stem from each position. Key Features* Illustrates a typical day's scenario* Explains what career opportunities stem from a position* Describes the basic job, qualifications, responsibilities, and expectations * Covers how long to expect to be in a training phase* Shows existing steps in the promotion ladder and salary ranges* Presents a different career track in each chapter* Allows scientists to compare career opportunities

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