
Ivarest Medicated Poison Ivy Cleansing Formula 6 oz Review

Ivarest Medicated Poison Ivy Cleansing Formula 6 oz
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When it comes to poison ivy or poison oak, prevention is the key. While shopping for Technu, a product I've used successfully for years, I noticed Ivarest the poison ivy cleansing foam that costs half as much as Technu. With visions of dollar savings dancing in my head, I decided to give the Ivarest a try.
If used soon after exposure to wash off the urushiol from the skin, Ivarest is very effective. Rub it on the affected area, let it work a little while and then wash off with cool water. I made the mistake of using hot water which opens the pores and gives the urushiol an opening. After the first time, I try to remember to rinse off with cool or lukewarm water.
After the rash develops, Ivarest is soothing and comforting for mild cases of poison ivy rash. For a serious rash the soothing effect of Ivarest is limited. The only remedy that worked for me was Calamine lotion.
Now I keep Ivarest by the sink and use it any time I even think I may have been exposed to poison ivy. Ivarest is an excellent preventive measure and well worth the price.

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