
Iberogast LARGE SIZE (100ml) - for Dyspepsia, Bloating, Stomache Pain and Hea... Review

Iberogast LARGE SIZE (100ml) - for Dyspepsia, Bloating, Stomache Pain and Hea...
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I started taking Iberogast in August (it's now November). At that point I had been having terrible heartburn & reflux with nausea for a year. I had an upper-GI scope, and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. After diet & lifestyle changes failed to solve the problem, I was given 2 40mg Protonix (a proton pump inhibitor) daily, and was still having breakthrough symptoms that would wake me up in the middle of the night. Life was miserable and the GI specialist said "well, we're just going to say you have dyspepsia." And that was pretty much it, they had no more suggestions for me. After doing my own research on dyspepsia, I found several articles that mentioned Iberogast as a potential treatment. However, finding it was difficult, the mfr's website said "our database is out of date" when I tried to search for stores, but I did find it from one vendor on Amazon. They charged me $34 plus 6 for shipping. When it arrived, I turned the box upside-down and the price tag said $29.99. Hrmph. Shipping was not speedy at all (from "Feel Good"), though it had to cross customs as it was coming from Canada.
Two weeks after beginning with the product, I wasn't having much breakthrough reflux anymore, so I decided to go down to one Protonix a day. I kept on that plan for two months, until the last of the Protonix ran out. That was three weeks ago. I do have some reflux on occasion, but it's nowhere near the level when I was just taking two Protonix a day. And I can usually trace those incidents to poor diet and high stress days. To be fully honest, I have also lost 5 pounds through diet and exercise at the same time and taken measures to reduce my stress, so I'm obviously not a controlled case study for whether Iberogast alone can help. But I think as part of a lifestyle treatment plan, Iberogast has been my savior. I don't want to go through pregnancy taking a prescription medication, and now I don't have to.
In regards to using the product, I wouldn't put it into anything dairy. (The packaging suggests 'your favorite beverage' and mine is milk.) The first time you try it in water, you'll know why you don't want to attempt to add it to milk. When you add hot tap water to it, it's like sipping a nice herbal tea. The flavor disappears quite nicely into iced tea, and I find that I usually keep a pitcher on hand these days just for this purpose. It wasn't bad in cranberry juice. It's minty and herbally, but not bad at all when diluted properly. The bottle has a dropper top built-in, so you just tip it upside-down to dose, though sometimes you have to give it a little shake to get it started. One bottle should last you just about 4 weeks.
I find it hard to remember to take 3 times a day, so I've started keeping a second bottle at work just so I can remember to take it with lunch. Your memory may be better than mine. All in all, I'm just thrilled with Iberogast. So much for the specialists who had no advice for me -- this product has worked and I'm sending them a copy of this review so they can recommend it to their other patients.

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