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(More customer reviews)I'd love this book if I was a college student eager to see my campus act responsibly. While the old, conservative farts are busy waging verbal wars over whether carbon is responsible for planetary warming, I'd use this book as the basis of a pro-active campus-wide green revolution. Much more interesting and worthwhile than being a university internet 'eco-warrior'.
Every university campus adminstrator should be given a copy of this release.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Degrees That Matter: Climate Change and the University (Urban and Industrial Environments)
Universities and colleges are in a unique position to take a leadershiprole on global warming. As communities, they can strategize and organize effectiveaction. As laboratories for learning and centers of research, they can reduce theirown emissions of greenhouse gases, educate students about global warming, and directscholarly attention to issues related to climate change and energy. Degrees ThatMatter offers practical guidance for those who want to harness the power ofuniversities and other institutions, and provides perspectives on how to motivatechange and inspire action within complex organizations.The authors, drawing onalmost a decade of experience leading the Tufts Climate Initiative and otherinstitutional "greening" efforts, provide both the basic facts and more detailedinformation about climate issues. Some chapters can be used as stand-alone actionguides for specific areas, while others put climate action in scientific, economic,and political contexts. The authors discuss the major sources of greenhouse gasemissions on campus and the importance of an emissions inventory for setting goalsand strategies. They consider decision making (and decision makers), costs, budgets,and institutional priorities, and describe different emission reduction projects.They look at the importance of master planning for the university and the value ofaction by individual community members. Finally, they suggest climate actionprojects for the classroom and offer guidance for tapping student energy. Their aimis to inspire others to take on global warming regardless of organizationalsetting.
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