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(More customer reviews)Not since Bodo J. Baginski and Shalila Sharmon's book "Universal Life Energy" in 1988 has there been a book that has so much heart. JaneAnne Narrin's *One Degree Beyond: A REIKI Journey Into Energy Medicine* is a unique arrival on the literary scene - and one written directly from Heart.
Taking the methodology, a sublime methodology I might add, called *The Usui System of Natural Healing*, and how it can, with Intent, become one of the most powerful and effective ways to move Narrin, in "One Degree Beyond" shows how to put Reiki to work in one's life, indeed, even change the quality of one's life. For this she won the 1999 Visionary Award.
While the marketplace is awash with books on 'reiki' very few books, if any, explore the matter of personal transformation in conjunction with this simple practice, Reiki.
Narrin points out the place of Reiki in a living partnership with which one begins to have aa fuller and more resonant experience of Being Alive. And she does this in both a practical and eloquent way. In a sense, Reiki practice *is* pure channeling: when one has life experiences and by the relaxed observation of them brings forth insights that spring forth with intuition right from the heart of All That Is.
"One Degree Beyond. . ." is not a book teaching Reiki methodology per se (giving hand positions, and other data is more appropriate and accessible in a workshop setting,) but this book looks instead at the Essence of Reiki.
Having myself taught Reiki for many years, this (the Essence) is of special interest to me. I think whether one is a new or more advanced student, or knows little about this whole field of energetics and integrative therapy, Narrin's work engages the reader, always proposing new ways to look at things, including one's self.
Many,many books about Reiki that are out there these days just describe technical data. They appear to me to have limited ,if any, value - I think that one cannot really learn Reiki from a book. There is such a difference in depth and grace that one derives from the interaction between student and teacher.. .at least that is what my students tell me when they learn *The Usui System of Natural Healing, Reiki in conjunction with a personal transformation program called The ReikiTECH Workshop. After this intensive training, believe me, graduates of the workshop need not be reminded about technical data . . .and if one has not experienced Reiki training, method books are hardly going to attract the man on the street so-to-speak. The man on the street wantscpeace of mind. . .harmony. . .a way of feeling comfortable in his own skin. This is what "One Degree Beyond: A Reiki Journey Into Energy Medicine" is about . . .living an enriched life, plugging into Vital Life Force (which has never been so easy,) dissolving stress at its roots and moving into wellness (wholeness.)
In this regard, readers find Narrin's book to be rich with narrative and insight, and a practical interactive text. This can guide one to realise that, truly, the way forward for humanity is to get beyond "attachment to outcome" (having to always have things your own way) through the practice of Reiki, which engenders deep caring and attentiveness in the present moments of our lives. To 'participate in', rather than to be 'in control of' is a far more healthful and satisfying way of living. To be grateful for each moment as we walk through our lives, is to stand at the gateway to enlightenment. Here we may welcome an era of deep and abiding personal harmony to be enjoyed by each and every human being. So this is about *process* rather than the *results* . . .part of the paradigm shift as we move into the new millennium.
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