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(More customer reviews)The book Blue and Old Gold: The History of the British South Africa Police 1889 to1980, by Peter Gibbs, Hugh Phillips and Nick Russell sets out to tell the entire history of the BSAP in three parts. In essence this book is a reprinting of the one originally published in 2000. What this book has, that the edition printed in 2000 did not, is a large number of pictures and drawings that help to better illustrate the facts of those times. The book has more than doubled in size from the original. This lets one understand just how many photos have been included. These 1000 plus pictures and documents included in this volume were gotten from many people, including the National Archives of Zimbabwe. The author's note at the beginning does state that not all the people in the group pictures could be identified. Although sad in one way, in another it is joyous because their inclusion in this book named or otherwise, allows these brave men not to be forgotten. This has created a comprehensive history, both visually and literally for the reader.
For those who may not have read the original book or may just be beginning their journey into the BSAP and are wondering just why the history of a police force was so important a simple glance at the cover will help them understand it. The BSAP was a police force like no other, which is why recording the history of it was of such paramount importance. It was a police force that soon found its duties to be very different to other police forces in the world. Some of these challenges included rebellions, the Anglo-Boer War, and Rhodesian Bush War. And because of the BSAP's differences from other police forces it became widely respected and admired for its professionalism and pride. Although it is a very lengthy book the writing is easy and enjoyable. The stories are relevant and important to the history of the force. More importantly, it is the stories that make the history of the BSAP real. This is a book that will not be read in one sitting or even six, but it is a book that deserves the time because of the BSAP's importance to Rhodesia, and many other police forces in the world. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the walk through history.
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In 1889 Cecil John Rhodes was granted a royal charter by Queen Victoria to settle Mashonaland, in what was to become Southern Rhodesia. So was formed the British South Africa Company; its regiment of troopers raised to protect the occupying Pioneer Column dubbed the British South Africa Police, the BSAP. From the 1893 Matabele War, the 1896 Mashona Rebellion and the Jameson Raid, the Anglo-Boer War, through both world wars and finally to the bitter Rhodesian bush war of the 1960s and '70s, troopers and officers of this fine regiment of policemen, both black and white, were proudly to the fore, in civilian and military roles...until the disbandment of the Force in 1980 when the country became the independent Zimbabwe.
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