Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I'm wondering why nobody ever thought to write a b-school guide like The Fiske Guide to Colleges (or Insider's or Barrons top 50) with in-depth reviews of schools and programs? I'd like to know what students and alumni think of their professors, classmates, atmosphere, class asignments, internship opportunities, recruitment on campus, etc... Alas, no b-school guide I've seen provides all those insights about which you can read before shelling out $$$ to visit some of the schools you're interested in. Oh, well...
Mr. Bickerstaffe and the people from the Economist's Intelligence Unit summarize some of the interesting facts about programs, students, atmosphere, recruiting, location, job prospects, etc. for a good selection of U.S. and international b-schools. Each school is given about 2-3 pages. If you're looking to go to b-school outside of the U.S., this guide is absolutely indispensable. If you're living outside of the U.S. and want to got to a US b-school, you may want to check out another guide that will have more than the top 30-50 schools this guide has. If you're looking at top U.S. b-schools, this guide will provide you with more in-depth information about programs than any other b-school guide I've seen. It includes not only facts (which are available pretty much everywhere on the web), but distilled views and opinions of the real people who've at least visited (if not attended) the schools in question. Be warned, however, that quite a few U.S. b-schools are not included in this guide (most first- and second-tier schools are in there).
I should add a bit about the structure of this book. The first part (100 pages or so) gives advice about selecting a business school and application process. The second, more voluminous part is comprised of the actual school descriptions. The second part is divided into four sections: UK schools, rest of Europe schools, North American schools (not just the US schools, although they definitely predominate), and the rest of the world schools.
If there were more opinions from students, alumni, and recruiters included in this volume, I would have given it 5 stars. Given the competition, however, this is still the best b-school guide your money can buy (which is not necessarily to say that you should spend $...+ on a guidebook if the money is tight).
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...Buy Which MBA, of course. The MBA is becoming a business necessity for anyone wanting to explore new career opportunities, accelerate personal development and increase their salary. Taking an MBA isn't a decision that anyone takes lightly; there is too much to consider. How am I going to finance it? how do I choose the right programme? how long will it take? where should I take it? etc. Which MBA? sets out to answer the questions that every prospective MBA student should ask, offering advice and guidance to individuals and organisations in assessing the opportunities available to them. This new edition also covers how business schools are keeping up to speed with the Internet revolution, including the many schools which are setting up incubator units to allow students to implement net companies as part of their course work.
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