
NeilMed's Sinus Rinse NasaFlo Neti Pot 8 oz (240 ml) Review

NeilMed's Sinus Rinse NasaFlo Neti Pot 8 oz (240 ml)
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Used for 2 weeks. Can't use it if you have totally blocked sinus but can be used if you feel cold or allergies coming and you have some airflow. Strange to use at first. Solution comes in through one nostril, rinses sinus cavity, goes out the other nostril. Can see on youtube people demonstrating its use. Little kids don't seem to have problems. Measured out 8 oz. distilled water, microwave 15 seconds, and swirled the water for a few seconds to even the temperature out. Used the included packets and the formula works well. You can make your own but be sure to use pure salt (kosher or pickle) instead of table salt. To make an isotonic (equal to body salinity) solution, use about 1/4 tsp salt, tiny pinch of baking soda, 8 oz of lukewarm distilled water. People on the Internet use a lot of different recipes but this one works for me.

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