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(More customer reviews)what an amazing book! i couldn't put it down. If you work in health care or have a loved one or friend who works in healtb care this is a must read. with the first page, you are swept away into the story, and carried to the heart wrenching end . This tremendous book will leaving you thinking about it long after you put it down.
Click Here to see more reviews about: A Single Degree of Freedom: An Exploration of Faith, Love and Loss in a Medical Practice
When an aging, agnostic physicianencounters a young woman in the emergency room who is dyingof respiratory failure; their relationship leads to anintense examination of faith and ethics in modern medicine.The friendship that develops between patient and physicianis based on their shared Catholic background. Ethicalconflicts develop as her disease becomes terminal and sherequests a painless death. The ethical, legal, and emotionalconsequences for the physician are explored in the finalchapters. A Single Degree of Freedom is a fictional accountof what happened after the death of Sarah who spent over twoand a half months in the hospital. Her physician standsaccused of not only assisting her death but also of havingan inappropriate relationship with her. The story from theBoston papers ran this lurid headline: "Mercy Killing-Doctor's Assisted Suicide of His Lover." As he sits beforethe Medical Board fighting for his reputation and hispractice of over thirty-five years, he must also face hismedical student daughter who questions what really happenedand why! A Single Degree of Freedom is written in the formof a letter to his daughter allowing him to explain hisrelationship with Sarah and what ultimately caused her death.
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