Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Good grief! I cannot believe the reviews that are complaining because a book subtitled "100 Accredited Schools that Offer Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorates, and Law Degrees by Home Study" does not list thousands of degrees!
Okay, so maybe they should change the title to "The Top 100 degrees by Home Study." Maybe Amazon.com should include the blurb on the back cover that makes it very clear that this is a selected nonexhaustive listing.
It is true that the entries do not carry a lot of information. In fact, it looks as if the publishers simply took the quarter-page entries from Bear's other book and changed the type face so it would take up a whole page. But none of the directories are exhaustive treatments. I know: I've read them all. An exhaustive directory would be a thousand pages long and cost hundreds of dollars.
Bear's entries do carry enough information for you to know if you have any interest in following up on the ample contact information. (Unlike many other references in the field, Bear's contact information is very accurate.)
If you want a listing of thousands of schools, look into Bear's Guide to Earning Degrees Nontraditionally.
I've read Peterson's, Thorson's, and Princeton's; and I'm here to tell you: Bear's is best. If you want behind the scenes stuff and honest opinions rather than just listings, if you want a good general education on the distance education scene today, buy College Degrees by Mail & Modem or Bear's Guide.
I am very happy with my piddling ... investment and feel I got way more than my money's worth.
Click Here to see more reviews about: College Degrees by Mail and Modem: 2000 (College Degrees By Mail and Internet)
Far and away the most successful book of its kind, this guide remains unparalleled in its useful tips, friendly tone, and up-to-the-minute information on getting a degree electronically or by mail.
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